PCV in Kenya: Weeks 60 & 61


It was a good Monday at school today. We had our first official computer class today and the kids were great. The curriculum lessons are very dry, but I am hoping they take advantage of our open lessons throughout the week to practice their typing skills and other skills on Word, PowerPoint, and Excell. After school, I stopped at the market then went home. I tried to make brownies in the rice cooker today, but they did not turn out as well as the banana bread that I made last weekend. While the brownies attempted to cook, I warmed up and ate dinner.


Another uneventful day at school 😊 On my way home, I purchased stuff from the market. At the house, I did my 5k training run and I am getting closer to the 5k mark which is exciting. Back at the house, I prepared pancakes for my breakfast for the next few days then warmed up and ate dinner. I watched “Turning Red” before taking a bucket bath. Nala chose to snuggle with me tonight 😊


It was another good day at school. I spent the afternoon talking with Peace Corps staff about recent changes to our work. When I got home, I made shakshuka for dinner.


I had a good morning of classes. I went home earlier than usual so I could do my chores and go on my 5k training run before heading back to school for our first lesson of Grassroot Soccer (GRS). It was a great first day 😊 GRS is one of my favorite Peace Corps programs (since writing this, this program is now on pause as a result of new government guidelines). After our session, I went home and ate dinner. As I was eating dinner, the power ran out at my house, so I topped up with the power company before calling it a day.


I had a good day at school. When my lessons were finished, I headed home. I had mac and cheese for a late lunch while I talked to my mom and dad for a few hours. I then burned my trash and washed dishes before doing a strength workout. I showered and got in bed so early I didn’t even need to make dinner because I was so so sleepy. I watched an episode of “Law and Order: S.V.U.” before the day ended 😊


Jane came over in the morning to help me out with laundry. I started my day off with coffee and breakfast. I then swept the house, cleaned out my bathroom shower drain, and washed dishes. For the next three hours, I worked on my taxes. It was agonizing and I am so glad it is done. When I finished, I had a late lunch of egg toast before getting to work on my dinner. I made gnocchi with homemade tomato sauce and dinner rolls. It took me more than a few hours but it was so worth it. Everything turned out very delicious 😊 When I finished eating dinner, I cleaned all the dishes, brought in my dry laundry, and called it a day.


I made pancakes to start the day then worked on my Melaka blog. I then watched “The Choice”. After my midday movie, I went on my 5k training run. When I got back to the house, Archer was home with some of his friends, so I spent a few hours talking with everyone until they left. Back at my house, I warmed up gnocchi and rolls for dinner, washed dishes, showered, and called it a week.


I had a great start to the work week today. My lessons went well and I had a lot of time to lesson plan which always makes the week go easier. I went to the market after school to get my vegetables for the week before going back home. At the house, I organized for water to get delivered. Yes, we are still out of water. I then did a strength workout before making dinner and calling it a day.


It was another normal and uneventful day at school. When I got home, I ate avocado toast before taking a nap. I then went on my 5k training run. Sunday’s run definitely felt better than today’s but I still got it done. Back at the house, I made peanut butter cabbage and vegetable stir fry with rice. It turned out delicious 😊


Today was another good day at school. My kids and I are working through their curriculum well. Back at my house after school, I packed my overnight bag for Friday then did my strength exercises. I warmed up leftovers for dinner before watching half of “Maze Runner”. I was too tired to watch all of it tonight.


I had another great day at school before heading home. I took another nap today. I am not usually a napper, but I have needed a few naps this week. After this, I did my 5k training run and actually covered the distance of a 5k today! It was very exciting 😊 I am optimistic about being able to run the full distance next weekend. Back at the house, I had peanut butter and banana and honey sandwiches for dinner before finishing “Maze Runner”.


I taught all my lessons and marked student books at school today. When school ended, I headed to Kisumu to run errands. My first stop was Aniworld, the veterinarian office, to pick up Nala’s flea and tick medicine that she needs applied every three months. I then got my hair cut before going to Java House for dinner. After a nice burger and fries I did my grocery shopping for the month at Chandarana. When I finished my errands, I headed to Mama Gladys’ house. She and I caught up before calling it a night.


Before getting on a matatu to go back home, I enjoyed Java House for breakfast. I had a yogurt and fruit and granola bowl. I also tried their new boba drink because I love a fruit boba drink. I got back to my house in the afternoon and spent the rest of the daylight sweeping and mopping my house. I then made mac and cheese for dinner before watching “Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials”.


I woke up and did my 5k training run to start the day. I definitely prefer an afternoon run to a morning run and I am aware that probably puts me in the minority. I am just never awake enough for a morning workout. At the end of my run, a calf started running after me. I think it got excited or scared when it saw me running and figured it should start running too 😊 It was running away from its mom though, so I had to scare it and chase it back to his mom. It was a very Kenyan experience. At home, I showered and got ready to go to Nick’s house. I met up with Mary here and we made our birthday cakes for this week. My birthday is next Tuesday and hers is Thursday and we are turning the same age so it was only fitting that we made our sweet treats together. I made banana nut cupcakes and she made corn bread with honey. They both turned out really good. I got back to my house at 5PM and ate dinner before washing dishes and taking a shower. I then painted my nails to close out the week.

The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.


Kuala Lumpur